Some harping resources

Anna Dunwoodie writes from New Zealand: I am trying to promote my new project – the Harp Music Club.  I’d really appreciate if you would be able to inform your members about it.  You pay a monthly subscription and you get 3 new pieces delivered to you email address each month. Details here:

The virtual harp summit is a seven day extravaganza of harp players doing short lectures or concerts - a festival in your living room. Free for the day it is on, and reasonable for life-time access. Nathania Ko is doing a bit on the Kunghou. Sept 14 - 21

Kate Kunkel is doing a similar thing with her Virtual Harp Retreat   Sept 8 to 13???  Again free the day of, pay for ongoing access

Marilyn Rummel is experimenting with a new format for lessons - a more self-paced alternative to skype with combo of video and recordings by teacher and student and short on-line chats. She'll report in with successes and failures as it unfolds!


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